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Media Relations

Concerned about being misquoted? Are you crystal clear on key messages which need to be communicated to your audience via the media? Can you remain on your agenda during a live television interview?

Whether you are doing a one-on-one interview with a television or newspaper reporter, speaking before a group of people at a press conference or industry gathering, or responding to reporters’ probing about a major crisis, you must be ready.

While the skills of an orator may do well in delivering speeches or public presentations, in a media interview they may be useless. It is the only conversation where you have absolutely no control over the context of how your words will be presented to the final audience.

There is no greater secret weapon in business than to know how to persuade people of your ideas and mission via the media. We will equip you with the tools needed to interact with the media. We will provide insight on how the media works, explain what is news, and guide you on how to make the most of any interview situation.